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LIFESTYLE  02.03.21






Holy Moly - I can't even believe I am typing this. WE ADOPTED 3 EMBRYOS!!!!! Chris and I are seriously so excited and can't express in words how thankful we are that we get to be parents.


As most of you know our journey to get here has been so hard. The loss of 1 baby back in March from our miscarriage and then going through 2 rounds of IVF and losing 5 embryos. We are beyond excited to announce that we have adopted 3 HEALTHY embryos!  (&& yes we know the genders but, we will be having a gender reveal for all of our friends and family) so stay tuned because I have been waiting for a gender reveal party for 2 years now! 


Let me start out first by saying God is so good. He has known our story all along and knew these 3 babies were supposed to be ours. I am one who researches seriously everything, I have stayed up late almost every night looking at IVF success stories, supplements to add to your diet, the best IVF clinics in the country. You name it I did it. We decided that we were going to start looking into adoption as another plan for us as we had gone through 2 rounds of IVF without success.


We contacted 2 agencies and we were starting the process to adopt an infant. As excited as we were, I was mourning the idea of pregnancy. I had always dreamed of the day I had a pregnant belly and could experience pregnancy and nurse my child. Within a few weeks of speaking with an agency my sister calls me to tell me to put on the Today Show, which, she normally doesn't watch but happened to put it on that day. They were talking about how women have adopted embryos and could carry their adopted child but, experience everything as if it was biologically theirs. I had no idea this was even a possibility. 


At this exact moment I knew this was the plan for us. As we have not had any success with our embryos on our own as every embryo continues to have chromosome abnormalities and would not result in a viable pregnancy. This was our chance to have our healthy baby. 







I have been a part of IVF support groups on Facebook throughout our journey so I decided to post in their asking if anyone has used an embryo donation program before. Here is what I found:


 1. Women who have gone through IVF and had a lot of embryos but feel their family is complete can donate                                  embryos to their clinic for women that are struggling with infertility.

 2. There are clinics all over that have embryos ready to be adopted.

 3. I would go through the injections and the transfer procedure to transfer the frozen embryo into me.

 4. I would be able to be the birth mom and experience every part of pregnancy, child birth, breastfeeding, etc. 


My post was flooded with comments from women sharing their positive experiences with Embryo Adoption. And then the best thing happened. I received a message from a women in Michigan wanting to speak to Chris and I because she wanted to adopt out her 3 remaining embryos. My heart stopped and I felt so strongly that these were supposed to be our babies. We prayed that everything would work out and that she would want us to be the parents of these 3 embryos. We found out right before Christmas that her and her husband picked us and wanted us to adopt her 3 embryos.


I honestly can't explain it- as soon as she messaged us everything about it just felt so right. We are so happy to share that we have 3 embryos that are now legally our children and are 50% Caucasian and 50% Korean. We already love them so much and will share with you our transfer journey. We will be heading to Michigan next month for our transfer procedure of 1 embryo!  Be sure to follow along ✰ If anyone has questions or is walking through infertility please let me know! I would love to answer any questions and be praying for you!  




Amanda xoxo

Follow our journey @amandalaurenbristow

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